for Animoji cats (2022)


A Nik, a Nat, a Knot for Animoji cats
For Natalie and Nik, on the occasion of their wedding, September 2023
Composer: Melia Watras
Text: Michael Jinsoo Lim
Performers: Juniper and Basil, voice and violin by Michael Jinsoo Lim


World Premiere: Juniper and Basil, Animoji cats, voice and violin by Michael Jinsoo Lim; September 17, 2023, Planet M Records YouTube channel

Duration: 2:23

Program Notes:
For Natalie and Nik, on the occasion of their wedding, September 2023

A Nik, a Nat, a Knot
by Michael Jinsoo Lim

Juniper: To Nik, to Nat,

Basil: From us, your cats. You met at Skyline…

J.: Soon, you’d say “Be Mine!”

B.: International Baccalaureate…

J.: It’s quite the story, that! Now you’re tying the knot,

B.: True love is what you’ve got. Your devotion knows no bounds,

J.: From kitties to hounds! To our favorite guy and gal,

B.: From your favorite feline pals:

J. and B.: We’re so happy you’ll share a life,

J.: As hubby and wife!

© 2022 by Michael Jinsoo Lim